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Parameters are used in many commands such as search and preview. They allow you to refine your selection, so you only get the actions you want. Currently, there are 7 different parameters which can be found below. Negative Parameters Example - action:!entity-kill


Key - action:
Value - Action Identifier
Multiple Allowed - Yes
Negative Allowed - Yes
Example - action:block-break

This parameter allows you to filter your selection based on the action type. An Action Identifier is a string with the group and type divided by a -.


Key - world:
Value - World Identifier
Negative Allowed - Yes
Multiple Allowed - Yes
Example - world:minecraft:the_end

This parameter allows you to filter your selection based on the dimension. An identifier is Minecraft's ID system of a namespace and a path divided by :.


Key - object:
Value - Object Identifier
Negative Allowed - Yes
Multiple Allowed - Yes
Example - object:minecraft:stone

This parameter allows you to filter your selection based on the object. An object is ledger's name for an identifier that could be a block, item or entity. An identifier is Minecraft's ID system of a namespace and a path divided by :.


Key - range:
Value - Integer > 1
Negative Allowed - No
Multiple Allowed - No
Example - range:5

This parameter allows you to filter your selection based on your location. This will not filter by your dimension, so you may still get results from other worlds. Use the dimension parameter to filter by world.


Key - source:
Value - Source Name
Negative Allowed - Yes
Multiple Allowed - Yes
Example - source:Potatoboy9999 source:@tnt

This parameter allows you to filter your selection based on the source of the action. To filter based on a specific player, simply use that players name. To filter based on any other source, you must use an @ symbol.



Key - before:
Value - Time Duration
Negative Allowed - No
Multiple Allowed - No
Example - before:3h


Key - after:
Value - Time Duration
Negative Allowed - No
Multiple Allowed - No
Example - after:3h

These parameters allow you to filter your selection based on time. It will select actions within the duration specified. You can specify durations with second, minute, hour, day and week. You can also combine multiple durations for example 7w4d31m42s. The after parameter is the same as the time parameter in older versions. The before parameter selects all results before the point in time that was the provided, and after that point for after. An easy way to remember the difference between before:1d and after:1d is to think about it like this. If you go back in time 1 day, do you want everything that happened before then or after then. Usually you want after.

Rollback Status

Key - rolledback:
Value - true or false
Negative Allowed - No
Multiple Allowed - No
Example - rolledback:true

This parameter allows you to filter by rollback state. If true, then it will only show results that have already been rolled back. If false, then it will only show results that have not been rolled back.